Combitation Land Co.'S Sub. (Teralte) Block 10
COMBITATION LAND CO.'S SUB. (TERALTE) BLOCK 10.tif COMBINATION LAND CO.'s SUBDIVISION (Teralta) BLOCK 10 So 20' of Lot E & No 13-1/3' of Lot F- Condl permit to Hal D. Blanchard to operate smal I hydraulic press for laminating cards, snapshots, in garage; 4454 33rd St. Res. 1341 2-14-46 Ely 41 1 of No 20' Lot A & Ely 41 1 of Tr C, Normal Hts- Permit to Joseph V. & Esther I. Pogorel & Ida J. Bergstrom to constr garage w/0' side & rear yds, to be attach to exist res; 4409- 33rd St; Condi. Res. 9268 10-26-55