Colusa Park
COLUSA PARK.tif COLUSA PARK l\\ Lot 1- Permit to San Diego Gas and Electric Company and Rick Engineering Company to develop a portion of property as a parking lot to serve buildings located immediately adjacent to the south in the CO Zone.a~North of 5620 Friars Road. R-3 Zone. Conditions. c-15377. 8-25-78.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Par 1- Par, Map 6855- Division of lots 1 & 2. APPROVED for SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC CO., OWNER: RICK ENGINEERING COM, LESSEE to 1) develop an 85 space parking lot where such use is permitted by CUP only; and 2) maintain a 6'-0" high chain link fence with barbed wire on top located within the 15 1 =0" required front yard where a 31-011 high open fence is the max. height permitted for open fencing within the required front yard and barbed wire fence is not permitted- at 1070 Colusa Street, R-1000 zone. C-20412, 12/15/89.