Collwood Park #1 Card 4
COLLWOOD PARK #1 CARD 4.tif r r f ' COLLW) OD PARK NO l fS-~: CARD # 4 Lot 75 & E 32' Lot 76,Perrni t to Delta M. Brant to const recreation rm addn to rear of' e.n st dwell,& bedrm above dwell on parcel with exist patio &: recrea rm obs 4 1 rear yd(20 1 req) at 6117 Pontiac St betw Rockf'ord Dr & 63rd st. R-1, condl.!IT.H. Case 4009 4-19-61----------------------------------- Lot 6~-- Per:nit to Mrs. ~velyn I. "'ryans to add bath & add to kitchen of exist sing farn res wnic~1 o) s 4.86 1 sideyd on ea slde and ll I rearyd on 3,., cor where 51 sideyd & 20 1 rearyd are req; addn will obs 15 1 rearyd, at I.IS8B 63rd St., betwMesita Dr. 3.: Pontiac St., Zone R-1, condl. Case No, 6067 10-30-63 ~ 1 o:r- 4- 1 <1o <./ ~-t ~ k A;,,...,u_ L,., ~ /4,;-t-r,- ().J_J_; 1-, 5- {,sr-----------____ ____------------------.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------v------------------------------------------ Lot 3- ZA APPROVED request of DAVID R. KLODOWSKI to maintain exist. garage converted to guest house (rear of garage also a detached room) on lot with existing SFD where guest house is permitted only by Conditional Use Permit at 6029 Mesita Dr., Zone Rl-5000, cond. C-18612 11/2/84