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College Terrace

COLLEGE TERRACE.tif-,--~------..--- -----Gtl_ Por. Lot.. l located on Por of Lot 5, La Mesa Col between El cajon Blvd & Rose St, R-1 & R-2, cond '1. (to use R-1 por. as parking lot to adj) Case #2J.20 4-10-59 church- College Ave. Baptist Church - L~t-1,-c~ii;g; T;r-; (L~ts-a:11; Blk-4~ El Re-tir~) Pe~-it to- College-Av; Bapt Church,owner & The Bible Institute of L.S. Inc.,lessee, to const & operate F.M. radio station in exist chapel on Lot l, also a transmisson tower & por. Lot 5,per legal on file in Plann Dept.-,condl. c.u.P. CASE 3991 5-12-61 APPEAL by Carlyn S. Derry, Elsit Talle He-ymam & Fanny Kalush. SUSTAINED by CC Res 16649Q 6-22-61 & P.C. decision reversed & overruled.------------------------ ~,------ Lot l- Pennit to College Avenue Baptist Church to const. 6J11 exclusive of roofs & steeple where max 30' high bldg. new church add.n. ma.x. height 43'- is permitted, at 4747 College Ave. betw. Adams Avenue & Arosa St. R-2 Zone., condl.-~~-Q---~-~-~J.ieeeJ,~;:1~~~~8:-j_:~~=~~---------Case No. 7091 5/3/65