College Ranch# 7
COLLEGE RANCH# 7.tif Lots 610-611- Permit to College Ranch Properties to utilize two res. aa motiel homes & con- vert garg of res on Lot 610 to temp. real estate sales off. to erect & maint. one sign advert. new subd. two model home i.d. signs and 3 flags on each lot; the above uses to be located approx 150 1 from an occupied dwell where sales offices, model homes and signs are perm no closer than 200 1 from any occupied dwell not in the same subd at 6213-21 Lake Athaba~ betw Clue Lake Pl & Lake Angela Dr. Zone R-1-5 condl. C-9066 N.H. l-8-69 (nu ea.- 3-lf-?o) Lot 628- Z.A. bU cona14ere4 tile requet ot J1 w. and Joan P. Adau to erect approx 1i.5 ~ 6 1 bi eolid fence on 0' treet 14eyd YUN 10' 1 req, 63,.5 Lab Atbllbuka Pl 'betv Lake Angela Dr ancl Blue Lake Dr, Zone R-l-5 and tuu DBIDD toe request ulaittecl but APPaC> WB approx 130' ot 6' fence to ob 0' street s ide;yarcl. no C-ll,118 I.I. 3-22-72---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------