College Ranch# 3 Card 1
COLLEGE RANCH# 3 CARD 1.tif COLLEGS RANCH #3-=Lo~ t 474-.'.:'..._Z...__L__ a6il.nd:e.r.e_d__ a_~_of' Ellls.:&--Batt.y..J..--Hllnt tti-iftQ4.-ntai-n e-xi-st--- patio post which obs 6'--4" SB on-Lake-Arrowhead' Di> ' {12' re9r &__!'~Q.l,ace exi~t_ J I high f'enoe-with 51;-t--6"'-1:ong-'byor- hTgh--wcfod' Tence-r3,-permT betw house and It!_ly lot line on Lake Arrowhead-Dr,. obs Or SB on Lake Ar?"~Whead Br., at 6315 Arms Lake Ave, NW cor Lake Arrowhead Dr & Arms Lake Ave Zone R-1--and-ba-s---DENIED Q.r SB but APPROVED 6 SB along Lake Arrowhead f> r: Cond'-l~----i_____________ Case No. 48Sl 5-22-62-------~-404:-;;~;-;;'i,;rt"iw:-.-iet;-;.-;;;,~ ~;-,;.-;;;;i'it-iii "i"iii ""i-'t10=-attcli-~1:'"c; &-1fitii..--- acceaa to exist. sing. fu. res.; patio obsen-ing 12'-6" rear yd_ {;9! ~q.) at i.132 Lake Atlin An., Zone R-1 . Case 1551-2-- 3--8-.,}---- cLot 41.1.- Perl)1it to Mr. llarold B. Smit:b. to const patJ.Q a4dit!Oll_t_o__ re~,r_ J of exist. sing ram res with direct access thereto; addn to obs 16 1 rer- ya-rd where 20 is req, at-6408 Lake Atlin Ave., betw Lake ~ngelea Dr. & Lake Murray Blvd., R-l Zone, condl. Case No. 6098 11-5-63--------------------------------------------------------,.._______-----------------Lot 414- Z.A. considered appl of Samuel c. & Patsy Cripps to construct a 340 sq ft- f'e room addn to exist sin fam dwell, add to obs 13' rear yawhefre 20" Is req;-a.~O430---~-Atlin A~. betw Lake Munay Bl-vd-. & Lake Angela Dr., in tne R-15 zone and tuls DDIED the appl as req but APPROVED a 16':tear yd.