College Heights
COLLEGE HEIGHTS.tif COtLEG:E HEIGHTS Lots 45 & 46- Permit to College Heights Dev. Co. {Pearl Martin, Sec'y) to oper tract office & const model b.ome on NW cor Mary Lane Dr & 55th St., cond l Res. No. 7013 11 28 52 Lot- Permit to College Hts. Dev Co. Pearl H.D. Martin, Sec'y to maintain exist tract off. & move 2-faced "V" sbaped sign from adjoining lot to NE corner of Lot 46 NW cor. Mary Lane Dr. & 55th St. Zone R-1 Res. 7975 l 6 54 Lot- Amendment & extension granted to College Hts. Dev. Co., Res. 7975 ABOVE, to maintain the sign but to delete tb.e tract office, at BE cor Mary Lane & 55th Res. No. 8700 1/5/55 22. Lot 33- Permit APPROVED BY A2A to Mrs. Bahia Harb to erect 110' of retaining wall ranging in height from 4 1 to 5' observing a 0' street side yard on Mary Lane Dr., and a 10' front yard on Debby Dr. where maximum 3' high wall is permitted in 15' established setback on both streets, at 5e90 Debby Dr., zone Rl5. Condition. Case 16741 4-21-80