College Grove Center
COLLEGE GROVE CENTER.tif COLLEGE GROVE CENTER s? to-1"1 S3 Lot 4- Permit to Bollenbacker & Kelton to erect single-faced. free-standing sign, 4'x6", back of SB line, on Wly cor College Ave,& Ryan Rd for 6 mo. Case No. 1370 8/23/57 Lot 1 of College Grove Center & Lot 1 of College Grove Annex at Ryan & Ryan Way, permit to COLLEGE GROVE ASSOCIATES to obs 4 1 planting strip along Ryan Rd Cond'l instead of 10' strip reg. in parking area. Case No. 2131 11/7/58 Lot 4- Permit to TITLE INS. & TRUST CO. to erect 2 major signs on single pole advertising Walker Scott Helix House Restaurant & Copper Penny Coffee Shop, each sign to be 5'-4" high by 8 1-1" long reading "Dining Room", one 8" hi by 5" long reading "Cocktails". & arrow 20" hi by 8'-1" long; signs to be two-faced; sign & pole obs req 10 1 SB, SW cor Collete Ave. & Ryan Road. R-4 zone. cond'l. Case No. 4330 8/25 & 9/29/61 Lot 2- Permit to L.B. NELSON CORPORATION OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, APPROVED BY ZA for construction of condominiums eliminating required 6 high solid fence where open parking adjoins residentially zoned propety to the north and west, at 6500 block of College Grove Dr., Zone R-2 Case No. 16382 NH 10/4/79 Parcels 1 & 3: Lots 1 & 3, College Grove Center. Map 3589 together w/portion of Ryan Rd., vacated, adjoining said Lot 1 on the North. Parcel 2: Lot 1 of College Grove Annex. Map 4063- Planned Commercial Development Permit granted by the Planning Director to COLLEGE GROVE LIMITED to renovate & expand the existing College Grove Shopping Center on the west side of College Ave. between College Grove & State Hwy 94, in the CA, MR-3000 & Rl-5000 Zone. PCD 85-0747 3/21/86