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Development Services

Clifton Addition Block 4

CLIFTON ADDITION BLOCK 4.tif CLIFTON ADDITION BLOCK 4 00)!3"7 S ~08-17.39 37. Lots 47-48- Permit to S.. P. Greenleaf by Mrs John M Bates R-2 (Ord.13057). .. suspended for grocery on rear 40' Thorn west of Chamoune Res.62977 4/30/35 Lots 1-2- W 50' Erect and operate a grocery store, on condition that existing store on premises be demolished or converted to residential use. Granted to John M Bates 4518 Thorn St. Res. 73067 1/7/41 Ord.13057 Lots 1-4 incl W 50'- Permit to Everett & Lillian Busby, owners & WI Gay, lessee, to maintain an 8 1 230' add to non-conforming store bldg with no sideyard 4507 Thorn St Res. No. 2189 4/24/47 Lots 25 & 26- Permit to J.L. Simkins to erect steel chain link fence 4811 in heights in front of SB line at 4546 Redwood St Res. No. 2529 9/24/47 Lots 27 & 28- Permit to Richard & Margaret Thomason to cons sing fam res to maintain setback no closer than that of adj res on the So. at 3114 Chamoune St. Res.5455 4/4/51 Lots 41-44- Permit to John A & Anna Munson to add to & conv exist gar into an apt, making 4 units on par, 4 ark spaces to be provided, at 3226 Chamoune Res.8851 4/13/55 Lots 1-4 W 51,3'- Permit to Joseph & Henrietta Novasel ~o conv exist non-conforming grocery store to sing fam res making totdl of two living units on par split after date of orig zoning but before 1/5/54; exist bldg obs 8 1 611 rear yd (15' req) at 4507 Thorn St SE cor 45th St Zone R-2 condl AGREEMENT# 1262 7/23/63 Amended 7/16/63 Case No. 5806 7/11/63 Lots 41-44- Permit to Anna Munson & The,rma S Whitelock to const new roof over exist two bedrms & 11ew bath above exist unit of s)uplex per plans. Two other sing fam res exist on par (Res. 8851) two units on par perm at 3224 & 3226 Chamoune Ave Zone R-2 Case No 5854 8/8/63