Cleveland Heights Block 4 Card 2
CLEVELAND HEIGHTS BLOCK 4 CARD 2.tif CLEVELAND H'E1'cifr's BLOCK 4 OQ:)~I ~~I0-171'7 CARD 2 W 68 1 Lots I & 9, S 1 1 Lot 7- Permit to Dr. Bernard P, and Evelyn Gaines Cunningham to replace exist. two story fourplex with medical and dental office for maximum of 2 doctors; open air parking to be lacated 10' distance from curb I ine on Front St, and 12 1 611 distance from curb I ine on Robinson Ave. and O' distance from front prop. I ine on both sts. where~ no vehicle parking is per. with 20' of curb or within 3' of prop. line; parking areas to be enclcsed within hedges where 3' high masonry wall or fence is req; northerly bldg facing Front St to remain with 1'9" rear yd, where 15' is req., at 132 West Robinson Ave., R-4 Zone cond'I Case No. 5521 & 5521-A 3/29/63 Lot 14- Request Tabled to R. F. Snell & R.S. & Barbara A Snell to const an 8 unit, 2 story apt bldg with parking at front to obs 13' distance from the curb line and 3' distance from front prop line where min 18' from curb I ine is req, at 3838 First Ave. betw Robinson and University Aves., Zone R-4 Case No. 7964 12/9/66 Lot 14- (ABOVE Case No 7964) Permit to Mr. & Mrs R.F. Snell (application AMMENDED) to construct an 8 unit two-story apt bldg with parking at front to obs 19' distance from the curb line and 0' distance from the proposed street widening SB line where min of 22 1 from curb line is req, at 3838 First Ave. betw Robinson & University Aves, Zone R-lf, Cond'I Case No. 7964 1/16/67