Cleveland Heights Block 10 Card 2
CLEVELAND HEIGHTS BLOCK 10 CARD 2.tif CLEVELAND HEIGHTS 000,~1 ~ '1>-....,~ t7 BLOCK 10 -,----q CARD #2 Lot 18- Permit APPROVED by AZA to MICHAELS~ SNOWDEN to (1) construct a single-family e dwelling to observe a 6 1 front yard where 25' is required; (2) erect 28 1 of 10' to 13' high retaining wall with 3.5' high open fence on top, overall height of 13.5' to 16.5') to ob- serve 0' front yard where maximum 3' high retaining wall is permitted in 25' front yard, at 3645 Brant Street, Zone R-1-40. Conditions. EXTENSION OF TIME EXPIRES 5-21-81 (11-26-79) EXTENSION OF TIME EXPIRES 11-21-82 (3-24-81) EXTENSION OF TIME EXPIRES 11-21-84 (11-3-83} C-14581 7-10-78