Clairemont Unit#5 Card 3
CLAIREMONT UNIT#5 CARD 3.tif I 7-tl CLAIREMONT UNIT,f/,5 Card #3 Lot 495- Permit to Janet P. Stephens, own, S.A. Stephens, operator, to maint. operation of rental off with 2 signs (permit by former C-573) 4947 Iroquois Ave. R-2 condl c-4346 1-25-61 Lots 626,627 & S 6 1 of Lot 628- Permit to Clayton E. & Eileen M. Plummer to adjust lot lines betw Lots 626 J 627, 12' Sly along Natchez Ave., tapering to 0' at rear of lot, & to legalize the S 61 of Lot 628 (split 5-8-53) on Lots 626 & 627, N of & adj 3120 Natchez Ave. R-2 condn c-4394 9-20-61 6 mos ext to exp 9-27-62 Lot 676- Permit to Elmer c. Hastings to convert exist garage to manager's office for management of existing d.iplex on same lot & 12 units under same ownership in immediate area, & providing 3 off-street parking spaces where only normal accessory uses for permitted use in zone are permitted at 4521-23 Dakota Dr., SW corner Dakota Dr. & ~:a;.mo~:j:7.9~~~_::~t"'lcondl_____________________________ c-9555_____ 11-3-69________ Lot 644- Permit to SI.MO DOPUDJA to conatruct 1 7 '-6" x 8'-3" bathroom addition to existing single family residence; ad.dition to result in approximately 48.7i coverage where 4Qi is permitted at 3138 Clairemont Drive between Iriquois Ave. and Blackfoot Ave. Zone R-2 condn c-10707 8-21-11----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------