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Development Services

Clairemont Unit #8 Card 5

CLAIREMONT UNIT #8 CARD 5.tif-=CLA=I;c....RE;;;....M_ON...;;..T__ UN...;;.;;IT;......;li;_c_rn O ~ azq $ ~,3,-1 i tJ7 Card 115 'II,, Portion- PLANNING COMMISSION GRANTED the Conditional Use Permit sought by The Salvation Army, a California non-profit corporation, to establish a 30,900 sq. ft. Salvation Army community service center on a 4.92 acre stie. The facility includes a chapel, social hall/gymnasium, classrooms/school age child care facility, and outdoor recreational facilities. A 145 foot long portion of the existing 20-foot alley is proposed to be vacated and a new 30-foot wide alley is proposed to be extended 100 feet to Clairemont Dr. the project is located on the north side of Balboa Avenue, west of Clairemont Drive, south of Boone Street and east of Balboa Terrace, Rl-5000 zone and CN zone, also a portion of Pueblo Lot 1209. CUP /188-0098 10-6-88 Lot 1286- Agreement with Charles and Mary Edwards and Mary Manning to maintain a detached second story guest house above garage consisting of two bedrooms, full bath, living and entertainment room with counter and wall cabinets, located at 4344 Gila Avenue, Rl-5000 zone. Agreement //4264 4-27-89 Lot 1278- The ZA has APPROVED with conditions, the request for a Conditional Use Permit by John R. and Betty Remki to maintain guest quarters where such use is permitted by CUP only, located at 4319 Gila Ave. in the Rl-5000 zone. C-20383 9-1-89