Clairemont Unit# 16 Card 3
CLAIREMONT UNIT# 16 CARD 3.tif , ctAIREMOIIT #16 OO 3 J"$.. QO ..s Card #3 Lot 3211- Permit to D.L. & Dorothy B. Reynolds to const 19' x 21' fam rm a.ddn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs 18' 4" rear yd where 2)' is req at 4435 La Crosse Ave. betw Hopi Pl, & Geddes Dr., Zone R-1-5, C-9893 liH 5-19-70 Lot 3262- Permit to James Hendron to constr 16 ft. x 22 1 611 fam room addn to exist sin fam dwel I; addn to obs 7'6" rear yrd where 20 ft. is req, at 4506 Kamloop Ave, betwn Jappa Ave and Hopl Pl, Zone R-1-5 Cond'l C-11,926 5-17-73----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 3437- The Z.A. has considered the req. of Archie and Carol Smith to constr. a 17 ft. x 24 f't. fam room addn to existing sin f'am dwell; addn to obs a 16 f't. rear yd where 20 ft. is req, at 4345 M::> raga Ave betwn. Kamloop Ave. and Geddes Dr, Zone R-l-5, and has DENIED as requested, but APPROVED construction of' a f'am room addn obs. 17 ft. rear yd. C-12,057 N.H. 6-29-73 Lots 3447, 3448,3449- Permit to First Christian Church of Clairemont to utilize lots 3448 and 3449 as parking lot for Church on Lot 3447 at 4330 Moraga Ave. Zones R-2 & R-4. AGREE #1912 12-10-73--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 3259- Permit to Leroy and Donna Wood to constr a 137 sq. ft. extension of sewing room to exist nonconforming sin fam dwell; a.ddn to obs at closest point a 17' rear yard and a 12' SB on Innuit Ave. where a 20' rear yard is required and a 15' SB is estab, at 4454 Kamloop Ave., the northwest corner of Innuit and Kamloop Ave., Zone R-1-5, C-12561 N.H. 4-10-74---------------------------------------------------------------------.---------------10