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Development Services

Clairemont Terrace

CLAIREMONT TERRACE.tif CLAIREMONT TERRACE:z~-/7/ I Lots 18 tnru 22- Permit to Burgener & Tavares to const 5 model homes, NW corner Burgener Blvd. & August St., Zone R-1 condl Bes. 8664 12-22-54 Lot 19- Agreement with Francis and Doris Burch to construct a second story addition to a single family dwelling. Addition contains living room. study, bedroom, full bath and exercise area. Addition has interior access from common entry way and secon story living room wall is to be 4 ft. Maximum in height, located at 2325 Gradview Street. Zone Rl-5000.__ --- AGREEMENT #4315 6-21-89------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------