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Development Services

Clairemont Regional Business Regional Business Center # 1

CLAIREMONT REGIONAL BUSINESS REGIONAL BUSINESS CENTER # 1.tif CLAIREMON'I' REGIONAL BUSINESS REGIONAL BUSINESS CENTER UNXT NO. l O O.3 2.11-00.S.2.'{2.-l?o 7 Lot l- Permit DENIED to Time Savings & Loan Assoc, owner & Mobil Oil Corp, lessee to const a canopy over exist pump islands on both Clairemont Dr. & Clairemont Mesa Blvd., canopy ' to obs 0 1 SB on each st where a 10 1 SB is estab and a 10 1 landscape strip clear to sky is req, at 5075 Clairemont, Dr. at the SW cor of Clairemont Dr. & Clairemont Mesa Blvd., C-lA. Case No. 8121 5-22-67 --~-------------------------------------------------- ABOVE appealed and appeal was DENIED and the decision of z.A. is sustained and affirmed. Case No. 8121 7-11-67 3