Clairemont Mesa #6 Card 1
CLAIREMONT MESA #6 CARD 1.tif CLAIREMONT MESA UNIT!t/6 C> e> C/2.?o-00 S------------ C~R0.#1 Lot 670, Permit to s.o. Unified School Dist. to const & operate elementary school (McDowell) located on Arvinels Ave. betw Norwich St. & Peyton Pl R-4, cond'l. 6 mos ext to expire 4-22-61 6 mos text to expire 10-22-01 c.u.P. case #3276 4-1S-6o----------------------------------------------------Lot 550- Denied Joel & Beverly Otto to maintain II' x 25' breezeway for exist single fam dwell; breezeway obs I' int side yd where 4 1 req;- Lot 550, Map #4275, 5511 Bergen St betw Arvinels Ave & Mable Way, Zone R-1-5; but APPROVE 3' int side yd w/eaves obs 2 1611 int side yd. Case No. 12333 12-14-73-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 621- AGREEMENT to CLAUDE AND PEARL DUCKWORTH to construct room addition with full bath to existing one story single-family dwelling, located at 5545 Norwich Street, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2923 5-3-83 Lot 572- AGREEMENT to Kathleen Carr to construct a single-story addition to an existing, single-story, single-family dwelling; said addition containing a bedroom and full bath, with exterior access and interior access from an existing living room, located at 5468 Bergen Street, Zone Rl-5000. AGREEMENT f/5029 6-19-91 /3