Clairemont Mesa #3 Card 1
CLAIREMONT MESA #3 CARD 1.tif CAR.D-".i C!:,A!~flfil-~!_tf~ 00:3'1'1/1-00 S.2. <./ <.J-/7/;3_.:Coti ~71 & 272, & por. P.L. ~244, Permit to S.D. Unified School Dist. to construct-IJ a junior high schcol (Einstem) N of Conrad Ave betw Dawne & Kilkie Sts. R-1 zone.,.. C.U.P. Case #3069 3-2-60-----------------------------------------------------------------~-------------- Lot 273- (See also W 1/2 exc Wly 150 1 of SW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of PL 1244)- Condi permit to Pacific Beach Church of God. purch & Frank C. Moennig, own to erect and/or move in & operatE a church plant, on N. side of Clairemont Mesa Blvd., 3200 1 E of Genesee Ave. C-1529. 3-14-58.__ Amended_ 4-12-78. ~-:&:.-J;;t.- 8'Q________------------------------------