Clairemont Garden Card 2
CLAIREMONT GARDEN CARD 2.tif CLAIREMONT GARDEN-Lots 3 & 4, Blk 6- PLANNING DIRECTOR GRANTED a Hillside Review Permit to WOODCREST 00.2.ct'-\'1- oo...s 232.-1709 CARD #2 DEVELOPMENT to remove 28 existing units and construct 162 condominium units and accessory structures on 8.1 acres, located on the east side of Cowley Way, adjacent to Tecolote Canyon, between Iroquois Avenue and Calle Neil, portions of Parcels A & B, Map 768, R-1000 Zone. HR #87-0652 1-15-88 Lot 2947- PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE City of San Diego granted ~lanning Residential Dev. Permit No. 85-0258, amendment to PRD 82-0102 to cancel permit to construct and operate a residential development titled "Villamar" & facilities located between Dakota Dr. & Iroquois Avenue on the east side of Clairemeont Drive in the R-1000 & HR Overlay