City Heights Block 48 Card 04
CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 48 CARD 04.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 48 4' CARD #4 Lot 13 & 14- ZA DENIED request of JOHN JEWELL dba BEDROCK TOWING for an extension of time of Conditional Use Permit No. 17904 to operate an impound storage yard for fewer than twenty vehicles where such use is permitted only by CUP at 3841 43rd St., Zone C. C-17904 6/5/85 APPEALED to BZA on 7/3/85- BZA DENIED APPEAL Sustaining decision of ZA.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- North 15'0" of Lot 31, All of Lots 32 & 33, South 15 1011 of Lot 34- ZA DENIED variance request by FORTY-THIRD STREET PARTNERS to maintain reduced parking for an exsiting 18-unit apartment complex, but APPROVED as modified with conditions, located at 3820-22 43rd St., CN-2 zone, Mid-City CPD. C-19889 04-01-88 APPEALED TO BZA on 08-03-88- BZA partially grants the appeal, therefore modifies the previous conditions of the approval of the Board of Zoning Appeals to APPROVE the request subject to conditions. I