City Heights Block 1 Card 01
CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 1 CARD 01.tif Ciff DIGl!S BLOCK l ~ # (Lot 9 s of 8-.. \ to.AMrican Legion to build witbin 10' of front p/1 CC Bea. 50717 7/8/29------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lota 1-3- to Hilda Bierling to split lot at Boundary Landi into 3 aitea facing on Landis CC Be 73694 3/25/41------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lota 36 & 37- to Lloe Grandalaki- AGREDID'l' #999 to conatr aing tam rea at rear of prop.. 8/28/58 c~;;-i4-i-is-:p;;;i;;;s;;;;-c;;-si;;;;;;;;s2s-R;;;~-01~;-z;;;;r::5;;;0;;;;-kftchin---- extens ion to existing SFD to obs 3 1 int yard (existing structure obs 3 1 int yd) subject to cond it. C-16078 6/4/79 East 65 1 of Lots 23 and 24- Pennit APPROVED by AZA to STANLEY J, CICHY to rebuilding single- family dwelling, detachecd carport and patio which were destroyed by a plane crash; (I) dwelling and carport to observe a 9 1-411 front yard where 15 1 is required; (2) carport to observe a 31 interior side yard where 4 1 is required; and (3) to replace 72 1 of 31 high retaining wall with 4 1 high chain link fence on top thereof, observing a 0 1 front interior side and rear yard where maximum 3 1 height is permitted in required 15 1 front yard and maximum 6 1 height is permitted in the required 41 side and rear yards, at 03366 Dwight Street, Zone R-2, Conditions, C-17688 NH 6-23-82 l