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Development Services

City Heights Annex #2 Block 9 Card1

CITY HEIGHTS ANNEX #2 BLOCK 9 CARD1.tif...,... '" "., ',.. CITY HEIGHTS.ADEX BO. 2 BLOCK 9 Por Lots 25-28- Permit to G. Kruell to move 1 story- frame residence from 4420 Landis St. to Por Lots 25-28 located at 4490 Landis St. Res. 258 5-20-48 N 10' of Lot 39 & All Lots 40 & 41- Permit to Olive o. & James D. Robinette to use tnis parcel per normal R-4 usage, witn 60 1 frontage on 44tn St. s-426 4-15-57 Lot 39 exc N 10' & all Lots 37 & 38- Permit to Stepnen A. Bridge & Delwortn Kennedy to use tnis parcel per normal R-4 usage, witn 65 1 frontage on 44tn St. s-427 4-15-57 Lots 21-24- Permit to Herman E. & Cnarlet A. Anderson, owners; Magro, Inc. lessee, to erect neavy gall8e cnain link fence 8 1 ni in rear of exist store bldg, 3305 Fairmount Ave. betw Tnorn &.~rtle, C Zone condl c-4229 7-17-61 Lot 47 & 48- Permit to Tierra Dev. Co. at 3446 44th St., Zone R-3, to constr tri-plex on lot with exst sgle fam dwel I with I pkg sp obs 61 611 str sldeyd on Myrtle Ave.; triplex to be I' from exst gar where 31 is req. Condit._u+. ~~-:A4-~_ '-\-:2o- i, c5- IL-z..o).__ c-1s9so________ 4120119________