City Heights Annex #1 Block 4 Card 1
CITY HEIGHTS ANNEX #1 BLOCK 4 CARD 1.tif ..; .':,. I , ',)'' ; "-~ ,,,. " Clff HEIGHTS A100!lC NO. 1 BLOCK 4 Univ. & 44th, 001001 Card Ill Lots 45-48 (W50' of Lots)- Permit to C, T. Lang to erect and operate a dwell in connection with a store in C Zone. Res. 65407 1/19/37 Lots 19 & 20- condl permit to Mrs. Elsie K. Clagett to alter a rm above a gar at 3819 Fairmont Ave. into a!J-room dwell; gar having a sideyd of approx. 18". Res. No. 731 10/2/44 Lots 19 & 20- ext. of 6 mos. granted to Elsie K. Clagett on Res. No. 731 ABOVE. Res. No. 2389 7/16/47 Lots 19 & 20-condl permit to Elsie K. Clagett & Wm. B. Clagett to convert rooms over exist gar to liv qtrs witn 18" sideyd., 3819 Fairmount Ave. Res. No. 3267 6/30/48 Lots 1-6- Appl of Mobil Oil Cor, lessee & 1st National Bank of s.D., own WITHDRAWN to erect sin poled, free-stand, dble-faced, illum ID sign, over all ht 30 1 2 111,ldxB:igJI face of sign 12 11" x 5'2" (60 sq ft); base of sign to encro 4' and face of sign to encro 8 1 into 10' street widening SB wnere no encro is perm at 4351 University Ave. SE cor of Fairmount Ave., Zone C. C-9853 10-14-70