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Development Services

Church Subdivision Unit 1a

CHURCH SUBDIVISION UNIT 1A.tif CHURCH SUBDIVISION UNIT lA Lot l- Pennit DBHIED TO Standard Oil Company of California to operate and aaint. ave stn, loctd on the south side of Carmel Valley Road btwn Int. Hwy. 5 and El Camino Real Zone CA 3O7-PC 8-4-71 an exist------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 1- Planning Direcror GRANTED CUP request of CHEVRON U.S.A., INC., to construct a service station with a food mart and public restrooms, to operate on a 24-hour basis on a.815 acre lot, located north of Carmel Valley Road, west of El Camino Real and East of Interstate 5, CA Zone. CUP 86-0585 1/22/88--------------------------------------------------------------------------