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Development Services

Church Heightd No. 01

CHURCH HEIGHTD NO. 01.tif Lot 64- permit to Young-Loftus Const Co, Thos. A. Young, to use res under const for model home & gar for real estate office & erect 6 1xlO' sign, for per of 6 mo., 5747 Elk Res No. 6935 10/29/52 Lot 62- permit to Young-Loftus Const. Co. to use res under const for real estate office & erect 6'xl0' sign, for per of 6 mo. 5660 Res. No. 7443 model home and gar for Churchward. 5/27/53 Lot 42- ZA DENIED request of Robert L. Moreau, Sr. to maintain guest quarters in a converted garage where such use is permitted by Conditional Use Permit only, located at 5604 Elk Street, SF-5000 zone, Southeast San Diego Planned District. C-20015 08-05-88 Lots 20 & 21- ZA APPROVED with conditions the variance sought by Bernadine Hawthorne and Lucius & Katherine Wright to construct 8 lineal feet of 10'6" high, retaining wall within the interior yards of two adjoining lots with a maximum height permitted within a side yard is 6'0" unless a horizontal separation of equal height is provided, located at 5564 & 5572 Dream Street, SF-5000 zone, Southeast San Diego Planned District. C-20076 11-15-88