Chollas View Sub#2 Card 01
CHOLLAS VIEW SUB#2 CARD 01.tif CHOLLAS VIEW SUB #2 Lot 209, Permit to S. 3307 Ticonderoga CARD# I. D. Unified Sc ool Dist, to move portable classroom bldgs. (4) from st. to 45th Street near 11 G11 St. (Ci.ollas Primary School)______--____ H::1 f3~4~________ -~5:52__ Lot 372, Permit to Steve Beason to move residence from 1276 Robinson St. to 4584 Boylston HM 3239 6-23-59---------------------------------------------- Lot 399, Permit to Joshua & Gloria Von Wolfolk to const single family dwell. & gar, making 2 units & covering 43.8% of lot (40% perm.)4522 Market St, l{-2 zone; on cond, excessive roof overhang be removed, Case 3312 4-26-60 Lot 209, Penni t to S. D. Unified School.I.list to wove portable cla,;srm from 5720.Brunswick to 730 45th st. HM#3522 7-6-60 ~;;o;,-... ~.;.it to-S~D~ Unif~ Scho~l- Dist to-.;~ po;t-;ble-classna- from 6620-~.iiu-Iowe-lfr.--- to 730 45th Street. BM#3575 9-26-60--------------------------------- Por of Lot 387 & Lots 405 to 407 incl:- Permit to Garvin A. Perry & En- gracia P. Perry, owners, & County of San Diego, puroh to const & operate a County Welfare Office located on the north side of Market St. betw Cotton st. & 45th st. Zones R-2 & c ~~----J.::~~::"1--------------~:~:::_~~~--------~==~=~:______ g