Choates Addition Block 332 Card 01
CHOATES ADDITION BLOCK 332 CARD 01.tif CHOATES ADDITION BLOCK 332,, Card #1 Lots 47 & 48- Pennit to Sadie Ashook & Bernice Williams to make add to rear of exist store bldg at 3194 Webster St. & to remodel face of exist, bldg; no addn to front of bldg. Res. No. 638 6/22/44--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 47 & 48- Pennit to E. A, Shedoudy, owner & Eddie Le Roy Farley, lessee to maintain & operate Variety Novelty Shop in now existing store bldg. at 3192 Webster St. Res, No, 1859 11/7/46----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 41 & 42- Condl pennit to Mrs, Antonio Noble to operate beauty parlor in gar at rear, 3166 Webster. Res. No, 4319 12/14/49 N 40' of Lots 25-38- Permit to Elijah C, Cook to convert gar to sing fam res with approx 5' rearyd making 2 units on the lot- Condl, Res. 5528 5/16/51------------------------------------------------------------ Lots 41 & 42- Permit to Antonia Noble to oper beauty parlor in gar in rear, 3166 Webster. Res, No. 6276 5/4/52---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 47 & 48- Permit to E, A. & Melakie Shedoudy to convert gar to living qtrs. which has 18" sideyard (provisions) appr. Res. No, 7699 9/2/53 Lots 41 & 42- Ext, to Mrs. Antonia Noble to oper beauty shop in gar at rear of 3166 Webster St, with max 4' sign, 2 yrs, Res. No. 8327 7/7/54 v