Choates Addition Block 327
CHOATES ADDITION BLOCK 327.tif Lots 47 & 48- Permit to Mrs. H.J. Harris, owner & Lessit Poole & Hazel Elder, operators, to maintain & operate a cleaning and pressing agency in an exist store bldt at 528 So. 31st St. Res. No, 1518 4/25/46 Lots 4 7 and 48 a retail store View Blvd.- Permit to Mrs. I. Harris, owner, in exist non-conforming store bldg Res. No. 2637 and James Lignoskj:, lessee, to operate on 31st Street, blk south of Ocean 11/5/47 Lots 12 thru 14- Permit to MN MOORE t constr gr fl.(' 16' x 22' livingrm & bath addn to exist sin fam dwell where res,idential is perm only above the gr fir, 3059 Ocean View Blvd, Zone C, Cond'l. ~ C-1~252 9-12-75 Lot 44- Agreement with Ramon A. Roybal to construct a one-story addition and partially remodel an existing, one-story, single-family dwelling; said addition and remodel resulting in a new master bedroom, 3/4 bath and full bath at the rear of the dwelling, with exterior access and interior access from a hallway to the existing kitchen, located at 3078 Valle Avenue, MF-3000 Zone/SESDPD Memorial S.C.M.F.N. Agreement No. 5451 10/15/92