Choates Addition Block 148 Card 02
CHOATES ADDITION BLOCK 148 CARD 02.tif [~~: ~. ~---~-~: ~ "~~-t__-t~~!=~~~~:e m~:::s."~~~ 3~32 c~f:!!k 2t:5t,_. '-~ ~- S359~~r ft~-- ~-,..:---- HM #r795 12/20/57 i ' '" E 15 1 of Lot 21., all Lot 20- Permit to Henrietta B. '.tbomaa to construct two ain faa cI-.u.~ 011 this parcel, zone R-2, with 401 frontage on uBu St., S-58' 3-26-59 l Lot 24 & V 201 or Lot 23- Permit to Henrietta B. Thoma.a to constrnct 2 ain ram dwellings on this parcel, with 45 rt. frontage on "Bu St. S-582 3-26-59 I 51 of Lot 23, all Lot 22, & W 101 of Lot 21- Permit to Henr-ietta B. TbOlllas to construe 2 sin am dwellings on this parcel, with 40 1 f'rontage on usu st. S-583 3-26-59----------------------------------------------Lots 7 & 8, Permit to S. D. Starvevic to move sin fam res from 2815 Kettner to 3367 11 B11 St. HM Res 3273 7-24-59 lots 31, 32- Permit to Floyd Clark to move garage from 5105 College Ave. to 3338 en St. HM 1/4277 7/10/64 Lots 31, 32- Permit to Floyd Clark to move residence from 5105 College Ave. to 3338 c St. HM #4277 7/10/64 Lots 16 & 17- Permit',to Gary R. Page to move on a sfd provrding two open-air pking spaces in front, one of which would be obs a 9 1 front yard at 3333 B Street, Zone R-2. Condi tlons. C-14704. II-IJ-77. 1-------------~-----------------------------.--------------------------------------------