Chester Park Addition Block 5 Card 01
CHESTER PARK ADDITION BLOCK 5 CARD 01.tif CHESTER PARK ADDITION BLOCK 5 t> ~q-s Blk 5, Lots 33-34-Et- erect a living room Granted to F. F. Davidson within 7' of P.L. Res.65507 '.re on 47th St. 2/9/37 N 8 1/3 1 of Lot 59 & all of 60- permit DENIED to Cleto Paularena to bld 3rd liv unit on lot with 8 18" access court at 4282-84- 47th St. Res, 5592 6/13/51 Lots 5 & 6- Permit to Donald J & Vir~inia A Thiefes to oper contractor's office with no storage yd and no signs, in bldg at 4275 Menlo Ave., R-4 Res 266 10 26 Por Lots & 9- Permit to Fred, Peters to adjust lot line by pur. 1' of adj lot to provide 3 1 side yd on adj lot, 4278- 47th St, cond'l Case No 4 2 Lots & 2- permit to Loren & Bessie Murphy to maintain addn to rear of exist front, sing ram res on a par with two sing ram residents; eaves of addn projecting to 22" of side property line where 30" is req; at 4258- 47tl St. betw El Cajon Blvd. & Orange Ave., Zone R-4, condl. Case No 066 4 1 6 Lots &- Permit to S. D. Tr & Savings Bk, et al, owner and Menlo Farms Markets, lessee, to develop as a parking lot to be used in connection with comm. bus. located on Lots 1 thru 4 in the "C" Zone immed. adj, east side of Menlo Ave., 168' South of El Cajon Blvd., Zone R-41 condl. Case No. 764, 4/21/66