Chatsworth Terrace Map 1344 Villa Lots Card 03
CHATSWORTH TERRACE MAP 1344 VILLA LOTS CARD 03.tif CHATSWORTH TERRACE Map 1344 VILLA LOTS Card 113 I high open fence within front yard where 6 1 fence is permitted within the 15 1 re. front yard adj. to unimproved Wing St., in compliance with design crit. (3)construction of a provposed max. 7'-8" high open deck, with 2'-8" high open railing above, obs. 0 1-6 11 front yard adj. to unimproved Wing St., at closest point, where 15 1 os req.; (4) placement of one, off-street parking space obs. O'-O" front yard adj. to unimproved Wing St. where 15 1 is req/ 1 (5) construction of a deiveway with a max. width of 53 ft. within the 15 1 rr~1 front yard adj. to unimproved Wing St., where 25 ft. is max. permitted; (6) por. of fence of request NO. 2 within visibility area, where 3 1 is max. hgt. permitted; (7) maintenance of max. 6 1 high, open fence within front yard where a 6' high fence is permitted within the 15' req. front yard adj. to unimproved Wing St. provided bottom 3 1 is solid & top 3 1 is 50% open in compliance with design crit.; (8) maintenance of existing, max. 6 1-1'' high, open gate within front yard where a 6' high gate is permitted within 15 1 required front yard adj. to Chatsworth Blvd., provided the bottom 3 1 is solid and top 3 1 is 50% open in compliance with design criteria, located at 2702 Chatsworth Blvd., Rl-5000 Zone. Proposition ''D'' Coastal Hgt. Limitation Zone, Airport Approach Overlay Zone. Conditions. C-20571 3/29/91