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Development Services

Chalcedony Terrace Block 02

CHALCEDONY TERRACE BLOCK 02.tif / "- >. QHALCEDO.HY.. TERRACE BLOCK ~__,,--,/, Sl7 60' Lot 10- Permit to Roy T. and K Georgia Cox to const. sing fam tis, Swly cor La,w & Jewell. Res, No, 4708 5131150 Lot 3- Permit to Walter H. Dettinger to moTe garage from 203-So Francis St. to 1617 Law St. HM #3305 9/3/59 Lot 7- Permit to Don Stopar to move garage from 351ti Ingraham St. to 1649 Law St. HM #3965. 9/19/62 lo'/- f- /J,.J.te/J'JU't (3 MIIJ--------------------------------- Lot l- ZA DENIED request of GERALD L. GARNER to erect approximately,_48' of 6 1 hi block wall 3' behind on existing 3'7" retaining wall on Ingraham St. property line observing a 3 1 hi max. retaining wall & where a 10' setback is established on Ingraham, Zone R-1-5. C-18463 June 8, 1984