Center Add To La Jollla Park Block 7 Card 1
CENTER ADD TO LA JOLLLA PARK BLOCK 7 CARD 1.tif------...................................-......................---&.................-... CENTER ADDITION TO LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 7 CARD Exe N'ly 20 of Lot 8 & all of Lots 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13 & N'ly 10 1 of Lot 14- Permit to Clark & Eliz. M. Moore to adjust lot 1 ines on par dividing par into two bldg sites; 1 par with exist sing fam res as shown & one vacant lot; exist dwell obs 6 1 rearyd where 20 1 is req (seeVar Res 5051 & 5502) at 7519 Pepita Way betw Massena St, & Country Club Dr. zone R-1, Cond 1 1 Case 5491 2-18-63 Lot 8 exc N' ly 20 1 & all of Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 & N1 ly 10 1 of Lot 14- TABLED Var. to adjust lot lines on par dividing par into 2 bldg. sites; one par with exist singl fam res as shown; one vacant lot; exist dwell obs 6 1 rearyd where 20 1 is req (Not needed at this time: No const, being done now). Case 5492 2-19-63 Sly 15 1 Lot 14, all Lots 15-16- Permit to Mrs. Ethel Adams to const sing fam res, NEly cor, Massena & Pepita Way Res 5051 10-18-50 Lots 1-7 & Nly 20 1 of 8- Pennit to Sheldon & Bonnie Carrington Clark to const caretaker's res containing a kitchen, making 2nd res on prop, said res to have 4 1 sideyd & 10 1 rearyd at 7569 Pepita Way, Cond'l Res 5502 5-2-51 Lot 1-7 and Nly 20' of Lot 8- Sheldon and Bonnie Carrington Clark to const a caretaker's res, containing a kitchen, making 2nd res said res to have a 4 1 sideyd and 10 1 rearyd (per Resolution #5502) AGREEMENT #727 5-7-51 (~