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Development Services

Cave & Mc Hatton's Subd. Card 06

CAVE & MC HATTON'S SUBD. CARD 06.tif,..,,..,#,J&._.... "...............,,.,._,,,.._.... CAVE & MC HATTON 1S SUBD CARD 6 Lot 13- Permit to SD Unified School Dist to move B-1 portable classroom bldg from 1844 S. 40th St. to 5880 Detroit Ave. HM 3802 3-19-62 Lot 13- Permit to SD Unified School Dist to move B-1 portable classroom bldg from 1844 So. 40th St. to 5880 Detroit Ave. HM 3803-A 3-19-62 Lot I- Cond 1 1 permit to Johathan Manor, Inc. to erect sin fam res dwell & use as model home with one salesman on premises & five 5 1 x 3 1 signs as shown on plans in connection with sale of homes in new subd for a period of I yr., at E side 58th St. approx 400 1 N of Division St. Zone R-1 C-4923 5-15-62 Por Lot 13- Permit to SD Unified School District to move 3 std B-1 portable classroom bldgs from 3230 McCandless Blvd. to 5880 Detroit Ave. HM 3873 6-29-62 W 120 1 of E 445 1 of Lots 14 & 15- Permit to Louie L. & Floriece Henderson (Church Group being sponsored by Calvary Baptist Church) to const auditorium, foyer & restrooms, addn to sin fam dwell; addn to be used for church purposes and to const church plant on par in the future (See Res. 1658) at 6030 Detroit Ave, Zone R, Cond 1 1 C-5616 4-24-63 Por Lots 13 & 16 & Por Lots 14 & 15 & 59th St. closed adj, Cave & McHatton- Permit to San Diego Unified School Distr. to const an addn to the exist Valencia Pk Elem Sch plant & school grounds develop at Detroit Ave. & 59th St. Zone R-2 (Lot 13) R-1-5 (Lots 14-16) condl l yr ext to exp 11-1-67 (11-3-66) C-7452 11-19-65