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Cavalier Terrace 2 Card 01

CAVALIER TERRACE 2 CARD 01.tif civAiim TERRACE 112 OOS lb~- 00 2-.34- 111'3 CARD #1 Lot 37- pennit to J. Ra.lph Wiesehan Develop Co to erect retaining wall ranging from grnd level to 5' obs O' SB on both Cuiing Ave. & Mt. Ararat Dr. where 12' SB is estab on Ca.mrlng Ave. & 10' SB estab an Mt. Ararat Dr. at NE cor of Canning Ave. & Mt. Ararat Dr. Zone R-1, where fence max ef 31 is perm. in SB area, condl. Case No. 6034 9/27/63------------------------------------------------------ Lot 47- Z.A. considered therequest of Mr. fl Mrs. David K. Callow to const family room add.n to rear of exist single family residence, addn to obs 7'4" rear yard where 20' is req fl has DENIED the family rm addn. t obs 7 '4" rear yard, but APPROVED and.amended req for an 8' x 10' dressing rm adj to the exist bathroom with a 12' rear yard, condl. at 3843 Cameo Lane, Zone R-1-5. case No. 7244 7/20/65----------------------------------------------------------Lot 43- Pennit to Robert G. and Patsy Warnke to const 17 1 x 23 1 patio and room addn to exist sing fam res, room addn to encro 8 1 {as amended) into req 20 1 rear yd, at 3842 Cameo Lane betw Mt. Ararat Ave. & cul-de-sac, Zone R-1-5, Cond 1l. Case No. 8232 7-28-67------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '