Casa De Haven Card 1
CASA DE HAVEN CARD 1.tif CASA DE HAVEN 22..i.. 1107- CARD #1 Lot 5- Permit APPROVED by A2A to TERESA M. MADRUGA for (I) the erection of approximately 15' of 3' to 4 1-611 retaining wall, observing a O' front yard where maximum 3' high wall is permitted in the estimated 15 1 front yard; (2) the erection of approximately 50' of 8 1-8" high retaining wall with 5 1 high freestanding wall on top, observing O' interior side yard where maximum 6 1 high wall with 3 1/2' high open fence on top is permitted, at 1851 Galveston Street, Zone R-1-5. Condition. Lot 4- Permit to RODOLFO C. GONZALES to build 7'-0" wall heights to be referenced from Lot 7, located at C-18095 C-17479 NH 12-14-81 retaining and 5 1-0" freestanding 1839 Galveston Street, Zone R-1-5. TABLED 5