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Development Services

Carmel Valley Neighborhood #5 Map 10807

CARMEL VALLEY NEIGHBORHOOD #5 MAP 10807.tif CA~MEL VALLEY NEIGHBORHOOD 5, UNI? 5 (t.+t; 82-0433) fvf) J Lot 112- AGREEMENT with BALDWIN BUILDING CO, to utilize garage sa temporary sales office. AC #214 10/8/84 (../"'. t3.> ~{(_A~~~E~)with-BALDWIN-BUILDING_c:~_::_~:~~~::_::~~:~~;~_:_:::::::~~~!~~~:_:::~::~ Lot 118- CITY OF SAN DiffiO, PROPERI'Y DEPARIMENI' in association with BALDWIN CORroRATIOO, INC. to erect two carrnunity area identification signs on existing freestanding walls (1) observing a 6'-0" setback on the northeast corner of cannel Creek Road and Del Mar Trails Road and (2) encroaching 0'-4" into the public right-of-way at the southeast corner of Cannel Creek Road and Cannel Trails Road, Zone-SF3, North City West, Map #11079, Public.d.. ght-of-wa.y dedicated by Calll\el Valley Neighborhood S, Unit #1, Map #10807. CUP-19430 DECISION: APPPDVED with conditions 1/23/87 v