Carmel Heights Block 1
CARMEL HEIGHTS BLOCK 1.tif...... "- - ~_.... ~.-- , .-~ CARMEL HEIGHTS BLOCK I Lots 15 & 16, Permit to John H. & Verna Sutherland to const detached gar. & move in as second story to new gar a 22 1 x 25 1 sin fam res making 2 units on lot; gar & unit obs req 3 1 side yd & 11 rear yd (20 1 rear yd req) exist gar to be demolished, 2935 32nd Zone R-2 Case 2988 12-18-59 Lots 15 & 16, Permit to John H. Sutherland to move apartment over garage from 3032 Talbot to 2937 32nd St. HM #3438 Wly 47' of Lots 25-26, Permit to Percy A & Bessie Cartledge to const 11 1 addn to exist sing fam res whi obs 5' rear yd; addn making 41% coverage rear yd (15 1 rear yd. req & 4o% cover perm) Case 4082 2-25-60 x 15 1 family rm or parcel, obs 5 5-12-61 Lots 9 & 10- Agreement with Michael and Mary Hughes to construct a family room and master bedroom suite addition with exterior access and interior access through a kitchen, located at 3011 32nd Street, zone Rl-5000. Agreement No. A-4094 09-16-88 Lots 21 & 22- ZA DENIED yard/fence variance request of LOUIS A. SOLOMON AND INEZ GENE E. KUBA, to construct a two-car garage (1) obs. a 12' front yard where a 15' front yard is required; (2) said garage obs. a 3'-3" south side yard where a 4' side yard is required; (3) to maintain 10 feet of 5 1 high combination solid wall and open fence within the driveway visibility area where a max. 3' high fence is permitted, located at 2911 32nd Street, Rl-5000 Zone. C-20823 8/19/91 NH d--