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Development Services

Card_006_Aero Industrial Park

CARD_006_AERO INDUSTRIAL PARK.tif AEF{O INDUSTRIAL PARK. Card #6 Lot 20- Permit to Darrow & Elizabeth Roundy at S.W. Corner of Engineer & Brinell, Zone MIA, to construct commercial bldg. obs 0 1 interior side yard adjacent to lots 17 & 18 & obs. a 20' setback from the property line of Lot 21. Condit. C-16009 6/13/79 Lot 47 thru 51- Application withdrawn C-16674 Lot 19- ZA considered request of HERBERT & FRANCINE METSCH, HARRIS ANITA KANEL & ARNOLD & RUTH GELLER to constr. a retail center; 1) to observe a O' south interior side yard where 15'is required (10% of width of lot), 2) to observe a 20 1 front yard where 25' is required; 3) to provide 40"/o of parking & driveway area where 50% is reqd. at 4681 Convoy St., Zone M-lA, & has DENIED as requested, but APPROVED construction of,a retail center 1) to observe a 0 '01.1: south interior side yard where 15' is required; 2) to observe a 20' front yard where 25' is required, subj to conds. C-19190 5/9/86 Lot 19- ZA APPROVED request of HERBERT & FRANCINE METSCH, HARRIS & ANITA KOVEL, & ARNOLD & RUTH GELLER location of sigh as shown on site plan, sign to measure 71 611 in height by 5' in width with conds., located at 4681 Convoy St., Zone M-lA. c-19405 12 / 5/86 Lots 40,41,42 & 43- City Council GRANTED CUP.request of KCST-TV CORPORATION to construct an 11,300 sq.ft. addition to an existing television broadcasting facility and to develop an~ adj. lot for add'l parking located on North side of Engineer Rd. betw. Mercury St. and KearnY Mesa R., 8330 Engineer Rd., M-lA Zone. Conditions. 85-0767 4/1/86