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Development Services

Cambridge Center Card 1

CAMBRIDGE CENTER CARD 1.tif..,...;..,.,.,.,.__.,..,._......... CAMBRIDGE CENTER CAR.O 1 Lots 1 & 2, Permit to Mayfair Markets Inc, lessee & Thomas A & Evelyn Y Shaheen, Jr. owners to construct market & shop bldgs proj into proposed CP zone, NW corner Beagle & Ashford Sts R-1 (Proposed R-C & C-P) Case 2741 8-14-59 Lots I & 2, Permit to Cambridge Investments, Inc., owner, & Speedy Equipment Co. & Kenneth Moore, lessee to operate automatic laundry 7 days per wk 7-11 with I manager; cleaners C-P, Beagle & Ashford Sts. Candi. Case 3107 2-12-60 Lot 2- Permit to Cambridge Investments, Inc, own,; & American Housing Guild sales Corp., lessee- to erect and maintain for a period not to exceed 1 yr one 4 1 x 8 1 pole mounted, unlighted directional sign advertising homes in Mission Village W, a new subd, on Beagle St., NW cor Beagle & Ashford Sts. Zone CP Case 4168 6-12-61 Lot 2- Permit to Cambridge Fund of Cal if., Inc., owner; and Shell Oil Co., lessee, to erect pylon interior-illuminated sign, 51 in diameter, top of sign to be 7' and top of pylon to be 9 1 above roof line, (where.5 sq. ft. of sign for each lineal ft. of street frontage, not to proj above eaves attached to face of bldg is perm) NW cor of Ashford & Beagle Sts., RC-lA Zone- Cond'l. Lot 2- AMEND above to include 3 floodlight poles Cond Case 4698 in planting strip, Case 4698 7-13-62 & within lease 8-8-62 I ines {(