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Development Services

Burn's Court

BURN'S COURT.tif B1.JRN;!,S COURT (Assessor's Map #1) G Lot 59- Cond'l Pennit to J. D. Manseau to erect tool shed now & 4 residences later, a lot without street frontage, approx. 180 1 north of National Ave. east of 39th St. Res. 2009 1-30-47 Lot 59- Amendment to Res. No. 2009 (above) to permit cottl}ge with 121 rear yard to be erected now & 4 res. later Res. 2956 3-10-48 Arb. Lot No. 58- (Avenue Courts)- Permi.t to Mrs. Marcos Miranda to maintain and complete living quarters above a gar. at 911 Burns Court on parcel of land with no st. frontage. Res. 2608 I0-22-47 \ I 3.-