Burgener's Holly Glen Resubdivision 1 Card 01
BURGENER'S HOLLY GLEN RESUBDIVISION 1 CARD 01.tif,- J-R;,~, '.:1 Card #1- ' Lot 1- Permit to Raymond and Maureen Appel to constr a sing fam dwel I and provide access to parking from driveway crossing three lots immediately adjacent to the east, Kh where parking shall have convenient access to a public street or alley, at 1633 Nautilus St. betw Via Estrada and Muirlands, Dr. Zone R-1-20 c-10583 7-9-71 (See C-10683A) Lot 5- Permit to David and Margaret Casey (1) to erect approx 50 1 of solid wood fence 5 1 hi, fence to obs 10 1 front yard where 25 1 is req (2) to maintain an 18' x 36 1 swimming pool for exist sin fam dwell, pool to obs 17' front yard SB at closest point where 25 1 SB is req, at 1550 El Paso Real, betw Muirlands Dr and end of cul-de-sac. Zone R-1-20 C-11443 NH 8-8-72 Lot 3- Amend zone var to permit ace to req parking from pri ease where ace is req from st or alley at 1699 Nautilus St. C-10583 5-27-76 Lot 5- Permit to David S. and Margaret H. Casey to install regulation-size tennis court with 120 1 of 12 1 high chain-link fence with fabric attached; also four light poles 18' high obs a O' int side yd at 1550 El Paso Rea'l, Zone R-1-20. Condition. C-14113 3-2-77 Lot 2- Map 2802- Permit to Walter & Leila RUDOLPH, APPROVED, the request to construct approximately 136' of 5' high chain link fence to observe 0 1 setback on El Camino Del Teatro where a maximum 3' high fence is permitted in the 15' established setback, at 1559 El Paso Real, Lot 2, Burgener's Holly Glen #1, Map 2802, Zone R-1-20, Conditions c-163s4NH 9-12-79