Bungalow Park Addn Block 1 Card 01
BUNGALOW PARK ADDN BLOCK 1 CARD 01.tif CARD #1, '.BUROALOW PARK JlDbAIBLOCK 1 Ely 35 1 of Lots 25-28- Condi permit to Thomas Levish to use home at 4590 Myrtle St. for business address & use exist. garage for stge of Stationery & Magazines Res 2022 1-30-47 Lots 15 & 16- Permit DENIED Hollis & Katherine Davenport to construct an enclosed entrance way, 5' x 5 16" with 10' SB from front prop. line at 3533 Chamoune Ave. R~s. 3059 4-21-48 Lots 1 & 2- Condl permit to E. C. Roanesa to re-divide into 2 par facing Dwight & const 2 fam res on ea & addl sleeping room 13' rear yd, SE corner Dwight & Chamune Res. 4636 5-3-50?km~ s-2 2- zs Lots 5-7- Permit to Isabel Bedford to conv gar under cons into liv quart., making 3 units Cond'k- on E side f of Chamoune St., 100' S of Dwight Res. 5317 2-7-51 Lota 13 & 14- Permit to Glenn R. Wilcken to move frame Chamoune Ave. HM 1531 Lots 13 & 14- Permit to Glenn R. Wilcken to move frame 3645 Cahmoune Ave. HM 1532 garage from 4545 40th St. to 3545 11-14-52 grqM res from 4546 40th St. to 11-14-!$2 Lots 37-38- Permit to Bate Zahalsky to move res from 3020 Carleton St. to 3548 46th St. "to move garage HM 3125 HM 3126 3-19-59