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Development Services

Bullard Square Card 01

BULLARD SQUARE CARD 01.tif--- " < s # ~... I',*.. BULLARD SQUIRE CARf, #1 Lot l- Permit to Franchise Realty Interstate Corp. to ereft 3 1 1 x 41 x 316" high, lighted, "Entrance11 & 11Exit" signs, all encro 7' into req 10' plant strip and estab SB as follows: (1) one on Midway Dr.; (2) One on Duke St.; (3) One at intersection ot Duke St. & Mi.dway Dri where 10' landscape strip adj to all sts is req and no structures or parking area is perm in req 101 landscape strip and no structures are perm in the est.ab 101 SB on Duke St. & 5' ~tab SB on Midwa;y Dr., at 3805- 3829 Midway Dr., SW cor Midway Dr. & Duke St., Zone C-lA. ~%1~~.J-~~..:::__________________:~s~-N~:-~~~3_-----~:::67____ Lot 1- Permit DENIED by ZA to MC DONALD'S CORPORATION, dba DELAWARE, MC DONALD'S CORPORATION to erect a 170 sq. ft. ground identification sign, overall height 45 1, on Midway Drive where a maximum 150 sq. ft., 30' high sign is permitted (existing sign to be removed), at 3805 Midway Drive, Zone CA. C-17945 3-4-83