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Development Services

Brookside Glen Subdivision

BROOKSIDE GLEN SUBDIVISION.tif BROOKSIDE GLEN SUBDIVISION q \10- S Lots I, 6, 7, 23 and 26- Permit to K.O.S. Development Co. at 600 Block 66th St. West side; 6500 Block Akins Ave., North side; 600 Block Sage Way, East Side, Zone R-1-6, to constr stngle-famlly dwelling on Lots I and 23 (I) lot I obs 4 1 rear yard at closest pt; (2) lot 23 to obs 7' rear yard at closest pt. Condit. C-16125 6/19/79 Lot 26- Permit DENIED BY AZA to K.O.S. Development Corp. to erect and maintain ten (10) temporary 31 x 51 flags on 21 1 poles, at 645 Sage Way, zone R-1-6. Case 16747NH 4-24-80