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Development Services

Broadway Acres Card 1

BROADWAY ACRES CARD 1.tif 13ROADWAY AC1tES CABD No. 1 Lot 52- Permit to Lillian M. Shelton to operate a rest home, with no mental cases, in Zone R-2 at 1040 43rd St. Res. 68925 2-21-39 Lot 64 E50'- Permit to Howard H. Sherman- Garage to within 4' of P.L. on C St. Res. 58515 6-20-32 Lot 54 (Sly 60 ft)- Permit to erect or move in 2nd living unit at 946 43rd St. Res. 402 9-16-43 Lot 50 (West)- Permit to J. Alton Brand to erect addition to an existing residence which has a 4' rear yd, 4268 C street, provided a 10' rear yd is maintained for any addn. Res. 907 4-12-45 Lot 3- Permit to Netta Semerad to move single family, frame residence from 3477 Broadway to 935 44th St. HM Rea. 541 8~19-49 Lot 1- Permit to Netta Semerad to move frame res from 2951 Commercial st to East 50' of Lot 1, located approx a~ 4418 ~illtop Dr. HM Res. 577 9-27-49 'JO\,~q- ~.: Lot 30, the El55'- Permit to c. H. Dockens to div into 2 bldgl sites & build sin fam res on each 4 320 H 111 top Dr. Res. 4896 8-9:_.50 Jo