Bridges Estates Card 1
BRIDGES ESTATES CARD 1.tif BRIDGES ESTATE:. ~ Lot 16- Permit to Beatrice Edmonds Brenneman to divide into 3 parcels: two parcels without frontage on dedicated treet but with right of acces by easement & to remodel exist res into two separate dwellings, each to maintain respective sideyds, Alcott north of Chatsworth Blvd. Res. 1911 12-5-46 Por Lot 16- Permit to Beatrice Brenneman to maintain a 2'6 11 aideyd for 30' of bldg (description on file in office of plan dept) near Chatsworth Blvd off Curtis St. Res. 2143 3~27-47 Por Lot 16- Beatrice Edmo4ds Brenneman DENIED permit to divide a portion & construct a sin fam res., access to be by private easement, near Curtis St. Res. 25o6 9-10-47 Lot 6- Permit to constr sin fam res & garg with rumpus rm, said garg & rumpus rm to have a 5' rear yd 2504 Chatsworth Blvd. to Rodin & Sarah Horrow, condl Res. 3665 1-26-49 Lota 3-4- DENIED permit to Philip W. Hardie, Jr. to divide into 3 bldg sites Cha~sworth & Alcott. Res. 3819 4-20-49 Lota 3-4- Philip W. Hardie, Jr. APPEAL filed on Rea. 3819 sustained & permit granted:tot ~-?e1mlt Chatsworth "\__ Res. 93571 5-3-49 to Jaa. & Angelina Mazzaza to er@ct 6 1 rence trom gifi f grnd ievei, 2540 Re 6247 3-5-52