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Development Services

Breed & Chase Block6

BREED & CHASE BLOCK6.tif:BREED & CHASE BLOCK 6 Lots 37-38- Peration of a hand-laundry at 2452 F St. DENIED to J. H. Fletoaer 1-30-33 ' Lots 28-30- Permit to Catnerine Connett Burns, owner & Oscar R. & Rose K. Anderson purchase maintain & operate boarding home for the aged at 2420 F St., subject to certain conditions Res. No. 1853 11-7-46 Lots Z7-18- Permit to Paul & Betty Eklund to const & operate a 14 unit apt bldg with a 7' access court, South side If E Street betw 24th & 25th Streets. Res. 2784 1-14-48 Lots 17-18- Permit is granted to Paul & Betty Eklund to add 4 units to exist 8 uni~apt bldg 2427 E St. on cond that rear of lot be surfaced for parkng Res. 5866 9-5-51 J