Blair Subd. Map 6457
BLAIR SUBD. MAP 6457.tif BLAIR SUBD. MAP 6457 Lot 1- Permit t~ James Rodney & Sydney Youngson to const gar-bath-maid's room addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs O' front yd where 15' is req (existing dwelling now encroaches 5'6" into public right-of-way) at 7762 Lookout Dr. betw Soledad Ave. & Boulevard Pl., Zone R~l-5, per revised plans. c-9052 8-29-69 Lot 1- AGREEMENT #1614 to James R. & Sydney Youngson to construct single family dwelling with bar sink in living room at 7762 Lookout Dr., Zone R-1-5. Said single family dwelling with bar sink in living room will never be used as other than single family dwelling unit. A-1614 11-12-69----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 3- AGREEMENT #1678 to John S. Rule to constr a sin fam dwell with bar sink in hallway adjacent to study and a lavatory in family room. 4-16-71 Lot_2_:_P~rniit-t~-R:-FiiiMAN to-(1) const. sin-fam dwell w/access to park from driveway immediately adj where access is req on same lot (2) erect approx 100' retain wall frm 6'-12' hi obs. 6" int side yd where max 6 wall perm in 4' interior side yd, Map 6457 at 7772 Lookout Drive bet Soledad Ave. & Blvd. Pl. Zone R-1-5 c-10853 11-10-71