Bird Rock City By The Sea Resub Block J Card 1
BIRD ROCK CITY BY THE SEA RESUB BLOCK J CARD 1.tif ,""'-., BIRD ROCK CITY BY THE SEA BLOCK IIJII ~~ Lot 3- Mr & Mrs. AR Co~nor to Const a res with 3' sB 'Uy Chelsea \venue Res. 362;1 sibde of Dolphin Place, West of 12-29-48 tot l to Luella Koons to erect gar 0 1 sideyd, 5648 Dolphin.Pl, I Lot 1 to Luella Koons to A.mend Res. 4513 (above) to pe"'.Tlit gar (NWly 2.?5 1 of NEly 2? 1 Lot 2) (qee below) Res, 4513 3-8-50 0 1 sideyd oi1.~r lot 2, / 10-4-50 Lot 5 to Friscilla Ferry to erect res, gqr & 5 16 11 gra,e st.qke fence 1 1-m, 'MJ~, side Dcilphin Pl. approx 130 1 8E of Coral L"lne. Res, 4951 9-6-50 Lot 5 & Wly of Lot 6- Fred D. e,,: Louise M Norris to const sinf, fqJ'l res, 1 1 SB, lwly side Dolphin Pl, ap1,rox 130 1 Se of Coral Lane, Res. 4952 9-6-50.... 6 ot?, Ely 2 Lot, Gertrude H. Herrin to dive par dif land at SwJy side of Dolphin!'1 approx 2 50 1 Sly of Coral Lane Res 4 976 (AGREE 68Q) 9-20-50 5 & W of Lot 6- AGRF,U!E:!T 1067 to Ch,irles E. & Jessie E. Bowes to const rumpus rm with bar sihk on lower level of res. 12-3-59 Lot 4 ire Ely 19,9 1 of lo',s 1,;;, & 4 to Harold C. Major and Dorothy Major to const a sing fam res on lot 1, exc the Ely 19.9' <1nd tiie Nly 20 1 of lot 2 exc. the Ely 19,9 1 of blodk 11a 11.I\.GREEJIE::'.f #636 2-20-50